Monday, June 13, 2011


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                                                                              June 13, 2011

Contact:    Ho-Hyung (Luke) Lee                                                      Jess Parmer


LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA, June 13, 2011 – UBIMS, Inc. a start-up company, announced its namesake product, “Ubiquitous Market System (UBIMS™)”, that will revolutionize the way products and services are searched, sold, and delivered via the Internet, and solve the current economic crisis. 

            “The company founder and CEO, Ho-Hyung (“Luke”) Lee, has discovered that there are many information based supply chain networks for big companies in the real distribution processes of the market, but no such infrastructure for public use at all.” Who will then benefit the most from this situation? “Big companies.” Who will get the most disadvantages? Mr. Lee said adamantly, “Small companies – and, accordingly, middle- and lower-income workers.”  It is very clear that something must be done here.

Then, how will UBIMS help? It is an efficient information based market system with a networked supply chain infrastructure, which is suited to the Modern Information Age.  That is, it is the third party infrastructure for communication and supply chain networks.  It will provide the following to all members of the market:  (1) a flexible and open market system with supply chain infrastructure; all members can instantly benefit from the size of the infrastructure itself, and easily modify it for their own use. (2) A streamlined supply chain network can be quickly constructed directly between suppliers and customers.   (3) Centralized volume and distributed expenses will be achieved at last, contributing to a fair rule of trade.

            What will happen if we just leave this situation alone?  “Then we are inviting catastrophe. That’s what I’m most fearful of,” says Lee. He further explains the reason with a bridge analogy: “What if the bridges or tunnels in San Francisco or New York City were built by individual companies, and only those individual companies could use their own bridges or tunnels? We already have many information based supply chain networks in the real distribution processes of the market, but they were developed by big companies, and only those big companies can use their supply chain networks. That is just as if there were no public bridges or tunnels in San Francisco or New York – no Golden Gate Bridge; no Lincoln Tunnel.  If you think we have traffic problems now, it could have been far worse.”  Correspondingly, without an efficient information based supply chain infrastructure in the real market process, the current economic problems including the unemployment crisis will become far worse, and no sustainable economic growth can be expected.  “That’s the real problem.”

If UBIMS is quickly, effectively, and fully implemented in the market, two major problems of the current economic crisis--unemployment and reduced consumption--could be solved at the same time. That is, consumer spending would rise significantly because cost would fall owing to direct transactions between providers and business customers, and employment could also be remarkably improved by creating a more profitable market.  Mr. Lee even insisted, “According to my simulation, we could create more than 5 million new jobs within 5 to 7 years in the US market alone.  I believe our system will realize the most viable and effective path to resolve the current economic impasse.”   
A system for real transactions such as UBIMS can be effective only in limited areas equipped with certain basic networked delivery functions Therefore, to get a satisfactory economic result from this infrastructure system, we look to expand across the United States as soon as possible. “Considering the current rapidly deteriorating economic situation, this is the time for the Federal Government to initiate and support the development and implementation of an effective information-based supply chain infrastructure, with the collaborative efforts of local and state governments and private sectors,” said Mr. Lee, with great urgency. 
 “As you know, every start-up faces risks. My company faces the added risk of an economy that may die before I can give it the cure.”  UBIMS will not only change the way e-commerce is done; it can and will revive an economy tottering on its foundation.

            UBIMS, Inc. is based in Los Angeles, California.   



            As the information in this press release suggests, UBIMS has the potential of changing the way we do business over the internet.  Its implications are enormous, especially on the economy.  If you, as a qualified professional or partner, wish to join the effort to realize a better world with UBIMS, please feel free to contact us. 

1 comment:

  1. Life would be better if it did not cost so much, wouldn’t it? That’s where UBIMS, Inc., comes in.
    Let’s just suppose that the cost of groceries was affected at the retail level by a 100% markup over wholesale prices: suppose the price of celery at wholesale was $.59 a stalk; that would mean that celery would cost $1.18 at retail, right? But if the wholesale price rose even a penny, to $.60, the retail price would rise to $1.20. In other words, price increases are doubled at the retail level, doubling profit. So, it seems retailers have no reason to demand lower wholesale prices, for higher prices double their profits, or at least add to them.
    Until they realize they are in a competitive market.
    UBIMS, Inc., proposes that retailers deal directly with producers, to improve wholesale costs, with shorter delivery times and lower inventory costs. For finished, dry grocery goods, typical delivery times induce a delay of about 104 days; under the UBIMS system, this could be reduced by one-third or more. This would produce savings at the manufacturers’ end, which would produce lower retail costs. It is clear that many business models would change.
    Look at the downside: if wholesale prices fall by a penny, the price of celery drops to $1.16, and a sale must start if only to rid the system of the offending commodity. And consumer resistance to higher prices can complicate this scenario.
    UBIMS, Inc. is saying that retail businesses can take control of their wholesale costs, as can producers their marketing costs. If celery costs $.40 to produce, its retail price could become $.80 or less. But if producers decided that it would be good to harvest an extra $.10 per stalk of celery (increasing their profit considerably), then the retail price on markup would be $1.00.
    How can UBIMS do this? A patent-pending software allows companies to alter their business models to adapt to a truly open marketplace without great overhead costs. American companies are already paying far too much for enterprise software, which fails time after time, principally because their own computers go down at inconvenient times. If IT costs can be reduced by UBIMS, then possibly a new pricing model at retail can be introduced—which could lower retail prices and improve competitive advantage.
    And it will not be only retail and wholesale prices that will fall—virtually without consequence to the real economy—but also the economy will face for the first time in several decades the fact that effective employees’ wages can rise, because they are selling more! As far as UBIMS is concerned, price inflation is the product of a broken economic system, bloated by unreasonable wholesale prices and practices tending to monopolization.
    We have heard until we are almost deaf with it, that this is now a consumer economy. UBIMS acknowledges that consumers have great power, but not all the power: businesses at every level must realize that they are in a real marketplace with real consequences. UBIMS, Inc., can help virtually all of them to realize their true potential in a cloud-computing world. UBIMS stands ready to help at reasonable cost.

    Jess Parmer
